Standing out from the crowd can be daunting. This season, we’ll explore stories that teach us about the importance of embracing who we are and celebrating our own individuality and uniqueness. Along the way, we’ll meet many characters who feel great pressure to “fit in” and to be the person everyone else wants them to be. Others are determined, from the get go, to live life on their own terms and to change the views of those around them. But at their core, all of our characters long for the same thing; to be understood, accepted and loved.
Growing up in a world that’s not ready for you can feel impossible at times, but together as music makers and dreamers of dreams we will hold our heads up high and choose individuality over conformity. Friendship, community and the love shared between a parent and child will prevail above all else. In the end, the journey to self love and self acceptance will be worth it because we choose to believe…
“Out there someone’s gonna love ya warts and all.”
- Honk Jr.
Growing up in a world that’s not ready for you can feel impossible at times, but together as music makers and dreamers of dreams we will hold our heads up high and choose individuality over conformity. Friendship, community and the love shared between a parent and child will prevail above all else. In the end, the journey to self love and self acceptance will be worth it because we choose to believe…
“Out there someone’s gonna love ya warts and all.”
- Honk Jr.