Original Kids Theatre Company enriches and celebrates the lives of young people through the arts, providing them with opportunities to mature and learn positive values through a variety of theatre experiences in a safe and challenging environment.
Original Kids is an organization built on values. We feel that it is important to incorporate our values into all aspects of Original Kids.
Passion for the Arts.We all share a common interest and passion for the arts. Original Kids are able to develop their performance skills, and also gain knowledge, appreciation, and understanding of the arts through our rehearsal process.
Youth Developer.We create an environment where youth can try new experiences whether they are on stage, backstage, selling tickets, or training fellow youth. Throughout the many areas of Original Kids our youth will develop literacy skills, social skills, and critical thinking skills.
Original Kids Theatre Company was not formed to create stars, as we believe each child already shines in their own way. We were formed because we believe by instilling our values in everything we do, we can help youth to grow and gain confidence in who they are. We do this by providing a safe and supportive environment where cast members are part of a community, made up of peers and mentors who are there to help one another. Youth can explore theatre without fear of judgment or ridicule, and our carefully chosen staff work hard to ensure each cast member gets to learn more about their passion of theatre, while also challenging them to meet new people, and explore new things. We believe that by doing this we can help a generation of youth become well-rounded, confident, supportive, kind individuals, who will make the world a better place.